Wednesday, August 12, 2015


After celebrating her 18th birthday to frolic on the beach in Mexico with her pal Pia Mia , Kylie Jenner left the country.These shots reveal a lot of her Jenner-Karadashian assets -- and are way less EERIE today than they were last week. Don't be anxious ... Pia's also 18.
Enjoy, guilt-free!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Slain Venezuelan Soap Star Shrinks get ready to Tell 5-Year-Old Her Mom Was Murdered

Only 5-year-old daughter still doesn't know her parents are dead murdered Venezuelan soap star Monica Spear and TMZ has well-read the girl's family has hired psychologists to get ready her for the traumatizing news.
When we reported, Spear and her ex-husband Henry Thomas Berry both were shot and killed together this week by highway robbers near the town of Puerto Cabello after their car broke down. Their 5-year-old daughter was there, but somehow miracley survived the attack with a bullet injure to the leg.

Their Family sources confirmed us; the daughter's not completely alert of what happened, she knows her parents are just "sleeping" Now. We told psychologists are now working very much with the kid to become softer the carry once her family tells her the truth .Family sources tell us, the girl's grandparents will be her keeper from here on absent. As for interment preparations, the rite and funeral will take place in Venezuela later this week.

Honey Boo Boo 911 Tape

The Honey Boo Boo car crash 911 tape is tied with Southern tongue, a lady immediately calling the correspondent giving her to take over the crash -- a Lowe's hardware store.

TMZ bust the story, Boo Boo's fam hit an nearing truck in Milledgeville, Georgia, injuring Mama June, Sugar Bear and Pumpkin.  HBB was hit up but not badly injure.An ambulance arrived to take but the relatives didn't like the EMT's choice of hospital, so they cached a ride with a star as well.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Mr. Rogers Killer standing buzz Won't Go Away

After ten year Mr. Rogers' death, one tale about the adorable TV star still persists: That following those innocent grandpa sweaters hit the mind of a cold-blooded murderer!

Eliminated 'Bachelor' challenger Producers Set Me Up to Fail Then dishonored Me

One of the challengers removed last night on "The Bachelor" is charge producers -- telling TMZ, they told her to do something like a dumb bimbo on the show and then put out her embarrassing refusal. Kylie Lewis inform us that producer told her to do 3 effects that she consider resulted in exit the show rose less, They told her to dye her hair from strawberry pale to red and to wear a pink dress instead of purple

Kylie said, she had pinched a picture of Juan which she planned to give him to make a good first feeling, but producers wanted a lame tweet in its place, making her look like a young ditz.

Evander's Gay Rant truly Pissed Me off--- Star Aaryn Gries

Evander Holyfield's shout against homosexuality pissed off the ex- "Big Brother" idol who once angles the market on homophobic commentary Aaryn Gries tell us the boxer is an idiot. Gries might have described a gay guy "funny”, and true enough she make fun of African Americans and Asians, but Aaryn speaks her comments light in contrast to what Evander said on "Celebrity BB" ... alleges homosexuality is like a bodily handicap which can be make well by a doctor.

Aaryn asked "I know I said mean effects, but in any case I'm not rude enough to reflect that homosexuality is treatable. Considering homosexuality as a virus is obsolete. “Since irreverent a black girl to egg on a fight is much more modern.

Jay Z--12-Year-Old Rapper's concert

JayZ did not haul a rapid one on his spectators in Greensboro, N.C., Last Sunday night while he brought a 12-year-old boy up on phase who wrapped the show, it was all impulsive.

We talked with Angela, who took her 12-year-old son Justin to the concert in Charlotte Saturday.She says Justin's nightmare was to "impress" by Hova and he was trampled when he was unseen as he sat in the 8th row.Angela says on the journey home they determined to give him one more try, that’s she bought tickets to the Greensboro concert for the next day and She speaks she was blessed and got front row chairs.Angela informed us nobody was set up. Justin shoots up with his sign and this time Jigga note.

Justine says behind the concert Jay Z was true to his word and took them offstage.  They talked for 5 minutes about private matter.  No numbers were swaped and Jay said not anything about noticed the kid.